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Abortion: How 1 Billion Babies Were Murdered In 100 Years

By Amir George

One hundred years ago on Nov. 18, the former Soviet Union became the first nation in history to legalize abortion on demand. According to Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, founder and president of The Ruth Institute, passage of the law occurred for multiple reasons, including that of destroying the nuclear family and the church.

According to Dr. Morse, “The Soviets were against the family, against the church and against morality, and they wanted women away from home and into the workplace, as the economy was a disaster and the government wanted women to not be hindered by babies and family responsibilities.”

Since that time, according to Thomas Jacobson and Dr. Robert Johnson in their historic report for the Global Life Campaign, over 1 billion babies have been killed worldwide, causing them to categorize it as “the greatest genocide in history.” Their study is the first to collect information from 100 nations and territories. In it, they identify abortion as “the greatest delicate slaughter of human beings in history, far exceeding all wars.”

According to bestselling author of God, Trump and COVID-19 Stephen Strang in his book God, Trump and the 2020 Election, “The Left has taken abortion—which is really a spiritual matter of defending life—and turned it into a purely political issue.”

Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who exchange darkness for light, and light for darkness; who exchange bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

According to the “Catholic Truth” blog, published by the Catholic Truth Society, “Kamala Harris pursued pro-lifers to put them in jail,” and “Joe Biden has made it clear that he is deeply committed to not only protecting reproductive rights, but also advancing and expanding them.”

If believers had no other reason to stand firmly and defend Trump, his defense of the right to life is enough. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris intend to open the floodgate of murdering precious children.

Amir George, Author of Liberating Iraq, First wrote this opinion for Charisma Magazine


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