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Educating Ourselves: LOCKDOWN SUNDAY!!

By Okee Sydney-Obiukwu

To every minister of God who observed the lockdown order of the federal and some state governments, I want to give you all a resounding well-done shout out.

You have shown yourselves as responsible and law-abiding citizens, realizing and also demonstrating that you are amenable to the discipline and good character you mount the pulpit to preach, most of the time.

To the lawless renegades who dified the well intentioned advice to hold nocturnal church services, you have shown the world that you were inspired into kingdom ministry work not by spirituality but for filthy lucre. As they say in beer parlor parlance: you are pursuing belly-kingdom or serving your own pocket first and may not be called after all.

How could so called annoited men of God condescend to the infamy of giving police constables and military jackboots the reason of coming into the sanctuary of God, having kickedaway doors and high gates, and even flogged some church workers, to gain entrance. Gosh..!

Yes! You bear out yourselves as being so hungry for tithes and offerings and all the spoils of ministry work. It was all a smokescreen that you showcased to attract the shallow minded and those whom hardship have chased into the church.

Nevertheless, you must remember that you didn’t fool them just because you were a smart Alec. No, you fooled yourself into believing you are God’s habinger. And they saw the facade you created and eventually gave you the trust you never deserved in the first place. But did you also fool God too? Never!

Some avariously insensitive pastors even had the effontery to solicit for tithes and special offerings from worshipers who hooked on to television and radio stations, not bothering whether such members of their audience have earned a dime since the coronavirus ravaging began.

Such con men masquerading as pastors were busy arguing that since online worshippers didn’t have to pay transport to church or give offering in church, since they were an electronic audience, they could do well to transfer such extra cash saved by not living home, to the church account. What a logic.

As I was reflecting on the upside down that the coronavirus pandemic has turned the world into, it dropped in my spirit that it must partly be for the grave sins of these kinds of fake men of God that a divine hand may be punishing humanity and calling it to repentance. But can a greedy heart and eyes hold back a little and ask: am I part of the number among the human family that has provoked God? I pray they do.

Scientists may fault my umempirical view but I really think that, even the unbelievers, have seen enough earthshaking signs to know that an unseen hand is at work. That hand is Jehovah Elohim! Let every knee now bow at his majesty in recognizing his sovereignty. Hallelujah!!

Note: I wrote this article for, a global electronic newspaper today 29/3/2020. You can visit the portal for more interesting articles and news stories.


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