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Love Letter To Pastors

By Okee Sydney-Obiukwu

Please encourage your members to raise a family altar. Family worship session/Bible study is also Church without walls. We don’t need to endanger lives by defying the lockdown order to hold church service.

This sad situation will soon pass away as the holy book has told us.

Pray from your own family altar and encourage your members to also raise their own too. This way, those of your members too busy to pray before rushing out daily, will be forced, literally, to do so, and by so doing mature as Christians.

All these years many of you have given your members feeding-bottle kind of Christianity. And that is not what God wants now.

God is saying today; Let my people come back to me, that is come back to Eden (Eden means God’s presence)

Read Also: Educating Ourselves: LOCKDOWN SUNDAY!!


Many married Christians today stay more at the beach spoiling in the sun; some spend more time at gyms showing off parts of our flesh that should be hidden from the public. And many commit adultery therein.

So many young people on the streets of Los Angeles literally have sex in the open at street corners.

There were so much evil ravaging the streets of Hollywood, Paris, Durban, Bacelona, Lagos, Accra, Nairobi etc, before corona virus hit the streets, chasing away adulterers and fornicators at the beaches and gyms. around the world. And now the disease is ravaging the human family.

What is God saying to us all? Go back home, build an altar and there call on me, since no pastor has been able to heal anybody from the disease. Even the Pastors are fearful for their own lives, and are praying that a vaccine be found to halt the wicked march of corona virus on our streets. Because any which way, at some point, people would need to go out to earn a living or die.

My last word for our dear pastors: Encourage your members to meet God in their homes and no traditional church service should hold, until the situation is put under control.

The lockdown is for our collective good, and must not be flouted. Not by Christians and not by Muslims or any other religion. Our bodies, the bible say; are the temples of God and therein he dwells.

This love letter, is written to persuade our beloved pastors, not to disregard the law, and by so doing show bad example.

We are the salt of the earth, so the holy bible tells me.


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