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Holy Bible Inspired My New Song Says Bez Idakula

Musician Bez Idakula has revealed how a bible verse, Philippians 2:4, inspired him to record his new album, The Light.

Bez who shared the news via Instagram said he was in a rut since releasing his album, Gbagyi Child, in 2016 but got an ‘epiphany’ last year while he was out of the country.

“I recorded ‘Gbagyi Child’ in 2013 but it took 3 years to release it,” he said.

“I had moved on from the music cos it didn’t connect with me. Opportunities dwindled, things became hazy, music became a job and that chase drained me, I was not inspired and I questioned the zeal to be and strive for more. People started to ask ‘Is Bez still doing music? Where is he?’

“Last year I left Nigeria for 2 months and I had an Epiphany. I realized that this journey was never just about me, but much more about others. This Bible verse haunted me “Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others”. Ha!!.

“I realized that the success of other people are tied to me. If I fail to reach the peak of my potential, I will deny many that would have come up through me. This changed my life, and I saw things differently.

“I am THE LIGHT of the WORLD; a city set on a hill can never be hidden. You don’t Light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand so that it gives light to all.

“So after more than 10 years in this amazing journey, a new chapter for global impact has been unleashed in me. This is my most impactful album project yet and this is for you, you will absolutely love it! I am so excited to share my heart with you through this album.

“Welcome to a new world of greatness, and I hope this will be an inspiration for you to be THE LIGHT.”

In the same post, Bez also shared his musical journey to Lagos.

“I moved to Lagos in 2007 to pursue a music career. It was a foreign land for me and I had no idea what to do. My sister Lyd had started an open mic night of art expressions called TARUWA. I walked in with my guitar and played there every 2 weeks for 3 years, playing my songs and being a back up guitarist for many names you know now. That was the beginning of the journey.

“I met Cobhams and we did amazing things with ‘Super Sun’, the first Nigerian acts to play at SXSW, first African to premiere a video on BET, toured the US, UK, Africa, talks at Harvard, Columbia Uni, endorsements, like I could go on.

“BUT you see, that was all for me, the focus was 100% on me and how to make a name as a global star and tour the world. That’s great, but it just wasn’t enough.”

(The Nation)


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